
Upon entry residents will undergo an orientation period for a duration of 30 days. This orientation period includes a 10pm curfew and no overnights. Also during this time residents are expected to obtain twelve step sponsorship, full time employment or full time schooling, engage in twelve step fellowship by attending a minimum of four recovery meetings in the community per week, and participate in house obligations such as chores.

Once residents complete this 30 day orientation, they will gain privileges such as overnights and a later curfew.

Relapse Prevention

Residents will be urine screened during this orientation period 2-3 times per week at random along with being expected to comply with a breathalyzer test upon request. After the initial orientation period, residents will receive urine screenings and/or breathalyzer tests at random throughout their stay. At Steve's place we have a zero tolerance policy for drug and alcohol consumption.

“My stability came out of trying to give, not out of demanding that I receive.”

— Alcoholics Anonymous